MySQL database table data purge/removal using MySQL Event Scheduler: 1. Deleting table data in batches/chunks 2. Logging each iteration 3. Handling & logging errors 4. Creating recurring event to cleanup/purge table data regularly
Recently, I was working on creating a utility to purge the table data of MySQL Database. In this post, I will be sharing my experience of how we can create a recurring event in MySQL to purge/remove the table data.
Step I: Basic Setup (Sample Database/Tables)
orders is the table for which we need to create purge job/utility.
CREATE TABLE `orders` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `OrderNumber` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `Total` double DEFAULT NULL, `Tax` double DEFAULT NULL, `Status` int(11) NOT NULL, `OrderDateUtc` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=112377 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
*Note: Insert data in orders table
log table to store the purge job/utility logs
CREATE TABLE `log` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Message` varchar(150) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `CreatedDateUtc` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=81 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;
Step II: Get minimum & maximum value of ‘ID’ (auto-increment column in orders table) satisfying Date range condition (based on DaysToRetainParam)
Here, DaysToRetainParam is input parameter & is used to specify duration in days for which we want to retain the data in the orders table.
DECLARE minID INT; DECLARE maxID INT; DECLARE createdDateUtcForIteration DATETIME; SET createdDateUtcForIteration = UTC_TIMESTAMP(); SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id) INTO minID, maxID FROM sample.orders AS orders WHERE OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY);
Step III: Delete table data in batches/chunks (here chunk size is 1000) with a sleep of 1 second between batches.
DECLARE createdDateUtcForIteration DATETIME; DECLARE rowsDeleted INT; DECLARE rowCount INT; DECLARE maxBatchID INT; SET createdDateUtcForIteration = UTC_TIMESTAMP(); SET rowsDeleted = 0; OrdersPurge: LOOP SET maxBatchID = 0; SELECT id INTO maxBatchID FROM sample.orders AS orders WHERE id >= minID AND id <= maxID AND OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1000, 1; IF maxID < minID OR minID is null OR maxBatchID = minID OR maxBatchID is null OR maxBatchID = 0 THEN -- SELECT minID, maxID, maxBatchID, 'exit'; LEAVE OrdersPurge; -- last chunk END IF; DELETE FROM sample.orders WHERE id >= minID AND id < maxBatchID AND OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY); SELECT ROW_COUNT() INTO rowCount; -- SELECT rowCount; SET rowsDeleted = rowsDeleted + rowCount; SET minID = maxBatchID; -- Log message INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES (concat('Iteration: ' , rowCount, ' rows deleted.'), UTC_TIMESTAMP()); DO SLEEP(1); END LOOP OrdersPurge;
Step IV: Delete the last batch
IF minID is not null THEN DELETE FROM sample.orders WHERE id >= minID AND id <= maxID AND OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY);
Step IV: Handle & Log Error
DECLARE errorCode CHAR(5) DEFAULT '00000'; DECLARE errorMessage TEXT; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 errorCode = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, errorMessage = MESSAGE_TEXT; INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES (CONCAT('Error = ',errorCode,', message = ',errorMessage), UTC_TIMESTAMP()); END;
Step V: Full Code of OrdersPurge Stored Procedure
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `OrdersPurge`( IN DaysToRetainParam int ) BEGIN DECLARE createdDateUtcForIteration DATETIME; DECLARE rowsDeleted INT; DECLARE rowCount INT; DECLARE minID INT; DECLARE maxID INT; DECLARE maxBatchID INT; DECLARE errorCode CHAR(5) DEFAULT '00000'; DECLARE errorMessage TEXT; DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN GET DIAGNOSTICS CONDITION 1 errorCode = RETURNED_SQLSTATE, errorMessage = MESSAGE_TEXT; INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES (CONCAT('Error = ',errorCode,', message = ',errorMessage), UTC_TIMESTAMP()); END; SET createdDateUtcForIteration = UTC_TIMESTAMP(); INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES ('Started.', UTC_TIMESTAMP()); SELECT MIN(id), MAX(id) INTO minID, maxID FROM sample.orders AS orders WHERE OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY); SET rowsDeleted = 0; OrdersPurge: LOOP SET maxBatchID = 0; SELECT id INTO maxBatchID FROM sample.orders AS orders WHERE id >= minID AND id <= maxID AND OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY) ORDER BY id LIMIT 1000, 1; IF maxID < minID OR minID is null OR maxBatchID = minID OR maxBatchID is null OR maxBatchID = 0 THEN -- SELECT minID, maxID, maxBatchID, 'exit'; LEAVE OrdersPurge; -- last chunk END IF; DELETE FROM sample.orders WHERE id >= minID AND id < maxBatchID AND OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY); SELECT ROW_COUNT() INTO rowCount; -- SELECT rowCount; SET rowsDeleted = rowsDeleted + rowCount; SET minID = maxBatchID; -- Log message INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES (concat('Iteration: ' , rowCount, ' rows deleted.'), UTC_TIMESTAMP()); DO SLEEP(1); END LOOP OrdersPurge; IF minID is not null THEN DELETE FROM sample.orders WHERE id >= minID AND id <= maxID AND OrderDateUtc < DATE_SUB(createdDateUtcForIteration, INTERVAL DaysToRetainParam DAY); SELECT ROW_COUNT() INTO rowCount; -- SELECT rowCount; SET rowsDeleted = rowsDeleted + rowCount; -- SELECT rowsDeleted as TotalRowsDeleted; -- Log message INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES (concat('Iteration: ' , rowCount, ' rows deleted.'), UTC_TIMESTAMP()); END IF; -- Log message INSERT INTO sample.log (Message, CreatedDateUtc) VALUES (concat('Completed successfully. ', rowsDeleted, ' rows deleted.'), UTC_TIMESTAMP()); END
Step VI: Check & Enable MySQL Event Scheduler
Check whether the MySQL Event Scheduler is enabled:
If it is enabled, it will be listed in the output.
If it is not enabled, then enable it by updating the MySQL my.ini or my.cnf file as shown below:
[mysqld] # Event Scheduler # OFF: The Event Scheduler is stopped. # ON: The Event Scheduler is started; the event scheduler thread runs and executes all scheduled events. # DISABLED: This value renders the Event Scheduler nonoperational. event_scheduler=ON
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
Step VII: Create a recurring event in MySQL
OrdersPurgeEvent Event:
- Starts at ‘2019-06-15 11:42:00’
- Run everyday at 11:42:00
- Calls the OrdersPurge Stored Procedure.
Note: Do change Start DateTime to any future value at which you want event to start.
DROP EVENT IF EXISTS OrdersPurgeEvent; CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS OrdersPurgeEvent ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 DAY STARTS '2019-06-15 11:42:00' DO CALL sample.OrdersPurge(30);
Check Event:
Step VIII: Table data purge job utility log of one the iteration
That’s it.
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